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Welcome to High peak cvs

We are here to ensure the voluntary sector in the High Peak area of Derbyshire can thrive and has a voice to influence how our communities remain active and resilient.

To do this we provide specialist support to community and voluntary groups. Whether it’s advice, group development, information or identifying funding, we can help. In addition to this, we run a vital Bereavement Service and Social Prescribing Service that are at the heart of supporting the people of the High Peak.

CVS Announcements

We have a crisis on our hands, Derbyshire County Council is proposing to end discretionary grant funding, putting the future of numerous
voluntary and community groups at risk of closure.
Speak Up for Derbyshire’s community services and fill out their survey.

News & Updates

Small Grants Scheme

The latest round of Public Health Small Grants Scheme for High Peak is now live! The Health and Wellbeing Partnership in the High Peak is a core strategic group that comprises representatives from a wide range of organisations to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities across the High

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DCC Cuts Consultation – the end of Discretionary Grants We have a crisis on our hands Speak Up for Derbyshire’s Community Services: Your Opinion Matters! Derbyshire County Council is proposing a significant change that could affect the future of all voluntary and community groups across the High Peak. The proposal to end discretionary grant funding is under consideration,

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Free Membership Opportunity

High Peak CVS gives20 Free Full Membershipsto High Peak Groups We are thrilled to announce an exclusive chance to give20 lucky groups with a year’s free membership! Any group that works with the High Peak that becomes a confirmed member before 3rd June, will then be added to the list

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CEO James to leave HPCVS

A Farewell and a New Chapter:Reflecting on Five Years at High Peak CVS After an incredible five-year journey, James, our CEO of High Peak CVS, has announced that he is leaving us in June 2024. In a message to members, friends, and colleagues, James expressed his gratitude and reflections on

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